More and more people are becoming passionate about the environment and event managers are having to think about running a sustainable event for attendees. This can be a challenge especially when event managers have very tight budgets. However, with consideration you can minimise the impact of your event on the environment.
Here are our top tips how to run a sustainable event:
When choosing items for your event, try to choose recycled materials. For example, ask attendees to return their lanyards so they can be used again and use whiteboards for signage. For items that can’t be used again, try to recycle them such as any plastic, cardboard and paper. Set up recycling stations or bins so that attendees can recycle throughout the event as well.
Think green when catering. Try to reduce the amount of meat on offer and have more plant-based options available. This will make your event more sustainable. We know this is difficult, but try to not over-cater at your event. Food waste at events is very common and can be reduced very easily. If you do over-cater, can any of the food be donated to the homeless after the event.
Source locally
Try to source all you need locally to cut down on transportation. When it comes to food, work with the venue to choose items that are in season.
Go digital
Try to go digital where possible, for example, try sending digital invitations instead of paper invites. Create online event information packs where attendees can access all joining instructions online.
Encourage green transport options
Encourage your attendees to find greener transport options. Many train operators are willing to offer discounted tickets for event delegates. Promote car-sharing options for your attendees so they can look for others to share the ride to the event.
Source sustainable event suppliers
By working with other sustainable event suppliers, they will do what they can to make your event environmentally friendly. Also consider working with a sustainable venue where they already help save resources like water and power, divert waste away from landfills and offset all their carbon emissions. This will all go towards making your event more sustainable.
If you would like additional advice about running a sustainable event or need help organising a sustainable event, please get in touch.