
Staffing For Corporate Events

Behind every successful corporate event, is a great team of corporate event staff. Many of our clients approach us asking what staff they should hire and what roles matter the most. Here is our guide so that you have all staffing for corporate events covered. 

At this point, we should point out that some of these staff roles may already be covered by an in-house member of your team. Also, if you have a small team then one member of staff may also play multiple roles within your organisation. 

Head of Events

This role leads the event strategy, sets the vision, builds the team and allocates the budget. The head of events also manages the external and internal partnerships. This is usually the person we liaise with when organising staffing for corporate events. 

Event Coordinator

This person usually overseas the event process, supervising the rest of the team to make sure no mistakes are made. The Coordinator will keep the Head of Events up to speed with the day-to-day running of the event. 

On-site Lead

On the day of the event, you will usually have a team of corporate event staff at the event including registration, directional staff and anyone there for extra help. The on-site Lead is the go-to person for anything related to what happens on the day of the event at the venue. 

The Pinnacle Team is comprised of tried and tested event staff including; registration teams, session scanning, directional staff, event hosts, team supervisors, onsite co-ordinators, event managers, logistics specialists, data capture teams, rebooking staff, photographers and videographers.

We are happy to be as involved with your planning process as you would like us to be; some of our clients look to us for guidance and some simply use us time and time again for the great staff that we provide.

If you would like to speak to us about staffing for corporate events then please get in touch