Case studies

The Patient Safety Congress & Awards

The Patient Safety Congress aims to transform the UK’s approach to delivering high quality care. The congress has an unrivalled scope of content and award-winning examples of best practice from the Patient Safety Awards. The Patient Safety Awards takes place on the evening of the first day of the congress.

The Pinnacle Team are asked to provide a variety of staff at these prestigious events for both the Patient Safety Congress and Patient Safety Awards Ceremony. This is a conference, exhibition and awards ceremony for 2000+delegates.

We provide a team of up to 35 experienced staff including two Team Leader’s to manage the team onsite and be the clients main point of contact, we also provide:

  • Registration
  • Speaker running
  • Track Room Managers
  • Speaker Lounge Management
  • Hostess’s for Awards Ceremony

I would never be able to deliver the high level of service without the team that Pinnacle provide, I’m always happy for them represent my organisation. Elisa and Nicola provide staff who work as an extension to my own team which plays an integral part to the success of my larger events. Having worked with Pinnacle for the past 5 years I can highly recommend the service. Operations Director, Willmington Healthcare